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Continuous Enrollment Newsletters 2024-2025
Continuous Enrollment Introduction Letter- October 2024
Continuous Enrollment Timeline Letter- November 2024
Continuous Enrollment Instructions Letter- December 2024 
Continuous Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: What is Continuous Enrollment?


Continuous Enrollment simply means that when you complete an enrollment agreement for your student you are enrolling from that date until your child graduates, or until you let us know otherwise, by submitting an "Intent to Withdraw Form".


Q: What happens during future enrollment seasons?


Your student is already enrolled for the following year, and your Enrollment Fee will be processed via TADS in late December. If your child will not be returning for the next academic year, you will need to submit an "Intent to Withdraw Form" by the opt out date to avoid owing the Enrollment Fee and coming under the policies of next year's Enrollment Contract.


Q: What about tuition changes and information regarding the upcoming year?


Tuition will be published on the website in November prior to the opt out deadline. Parents are required to watch and/or attend OCA's yearly "State of the School" meeting/video (depending on what is offered each year).The "State of the School" meeting/video addresses tuition updates, major policy changes, updates to the Enrollment Contract, anticipated grade and/or facility expansions, and important information regarding Continuous Enrollment and "opt out" deadlines. 


Q: What if my child is being considered for retention and/or we desire him/her to repeat a grade?


Your child's teacher (in collaboration with the Dean of Faculty/Academics) will meet together with you to have a conversation about options and paths forward. If you have not been contacted for a meeting, please reach out to our Dean of Faculty/Academics via email. Additional correspondence related to Continuous Enrollment will be emailed to you with further details. 


Q: What if we do not know yet if we're returning and need more time?


Simply submit the "Intent to Withdraw Form" by the opt out deadline to avoid paying an Enrollment Fee and coming under the policies of next year's Enrollment Contract. You may always re-enroll at a later date, if there is space available. Families with students currently enrolled will not be required to submit a new application however may be responsible for any late enrollment fees. 


Q: If my child is continuously enrolled, can the school choose to unenroll my child?


Yes, Oak City Academy continues to reserve the right to withdraw a student at any time due to academic or behavior issues, students or families not able to support the mission or policies stated in the Enrollment Contract, or if families have delinquent financial obligations.

© 2024 Oak City Academy 

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