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OCA takes the safety of our students and faculty very seriously. OCA's Blended Model and Main Campus each have an internal OCA Security Plan. The details and specifics of these plans are not shared with parents or the general community. Security plans differ slightly per campus but may include the use of general security measures such as: 


  • ​Boots on the ground! OCA's Campus Security is headed up by a Retired Raleigh Police Officer trained in de-escalation techniques and in active shooter scenarios. He maintains his Retired LEO Qualifications & badge (renewed every year) and is paid staff at OCA. ​​

  • Comprehensive school safety assessments of each campus performed by the Garner PD. The Garner PD regularly advises OCA on our security plans.

  • Garner PD have been invited and frequently use OCA's campus as a place to park and get their paperwork done. We are grateful for the regular presence of the city's police force on our campuses.

  • Monitored interior video cameras (entrances and hallways)

  • Monitored outdoor perimeter and grounds video cameras

  • Re-enforced glass 

  • Visible line of sight so staff can always see who is approaching the buildings 

  • Controlled access points

  • Exterior doors locked at all times 

  • Visitor sign in and visitor lanyards required at all times

  • Regularly practiced intruder drills at each campus including training for students and staff

  • Unseen Heroes Outreach Breakfast (breakfast hosting the entire Garner Police Department to build and maintain relationships with our police force.) We have regular communication with the Garner PD, and they are familiar with our campus layout and safety protocols.

  • All volunteers (including parents) who work in classrooms have background checks and have been through OCA's Safe and Secure Program. Volunteers sign in at the front desk and are identified with visitor lanyards.  

  • No volunteers may be alone with a child or take a child to a restroom


Further security measures OCA is exploring to implement in stages include: 

  • SWAT Team mock response training for faculty and staff on our campus


OCA employs additional security measures within each campus security plan not mentioned above. 

© 2024 Oak City Academy 

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