Below are answers to frequently asked questions about OCA's various grades and program offerings:
For FAQ's related to the Blended Model (K-5th grade) Program please click here.
What are the school hours?​ School hours vary slightly per program, campus, and grade level however you can generally expect your child to arrive at school between 8:15-8:30AM (9AM for PK) and be picked up between 3:30-3:50PM (12:50PM for PK). Middle School students get out of school at 3:15PM. Specific carpool time frames for each program (including tardies and late fees) will be detailed to you in back to school information packets.
What is the difference between the Blended, Full Time, & Hybrid Program?
K-5th Blended Model students attend school 2 days a week (T/Th)
K-8th Full Time students attend school 5 days a week (M-F)
6th-8th Hybrid students attend school 3 days a week (M,T & Th)
What is the highest grade OCA currently offers?
OCA currently goes up to 8th grade. We hope to offer High School in the future as we build a strong Middle School program and there is demand for a High School. 8th grade honors students are able to receive high school credit in multiple core subjects.
When do Preschool students attend school? Preschoolers are given options based on their age
-PK3 (3 year olds): Attend school 3 half days or 5 half days a week ( 5 half days only if demonstrating readiness)
-PK4 (4 year olds): Attend school 5 half days a week
-TK (5 years old by December): Attend part week Kindergarten (Full Days M,T, Th). TK students do 1 year of TK (part week Kindergarten) and 1 year of Full Time or Blended Model Kindergarten
Are there Scholarship Opportunities available? OCA accepts the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship for students in all grades and programs (Kindergarten- Middle School). OCA offers a limited amount of internal scholarships to families with children in the K-5th Grade Full Time Program from under-resourced communities. Internal scholarships are offered through an application process and dependent on available funds at that time. Please visit our Tuition and Fees Page for more information on scholarship opportunities.
What is OCA's first and last day of school? Does OCA follow Wake County schools with breaks, snow days, etc? As a private school, OCA does not follow Wake County calendars, breaks, or days out of school. Please visit our Calendar Page for sample calendars from the current school year.
What is the student to teacher ratio? In preschool and elementary school we generally strive for around a 1 to 13 teacher to student ratio in PK & Full Time K-5th grade. However, we understand that some unexpected situations may slightly alter normative/desired ratios (example: a Primary classroom with 3 teachers may only have 2 teachers on a day a teacher calls out sick last minute and a sub is not available). Middle School class numbers are higher in number and vary depending on the track and subject taught. However, OCA still boasts of our smaller class sizes for core subjects even in the higher grade levels! ​
Does OCA provide before and after school care? OCA currently offers extended day care until 6PM for full-time K-8th students at OCA's Main Campus.
Does OCA provide a hot lunch program? OCA offers a hot lunch program for K-8th grade students at OCA's Main Campus. Parents can order Cappollas Pizza & Grill for their students to enjoy on Mondays, and Chick-Fil-A is available on Thursdays.