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Blended Model Program (K-5th) FAQ's

2 Days a week


FAQ's for Blended Model (BL) K-5th Families


How often will my chid go to school? If your child is in K-5th grade he/she will go to school 2 days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 6th-8th graders (in the Hybrid model) go to school 3 days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 


How are the grades divided up in Blended Model?  Great question! The multi-age classrooms are slightly different in the Blended Model, since there is no PK. The first classroom is the "K/1" Blended Model Classroom. Next students graduate to "Lower Elementary" (2nd/3rd grade), and then to "Upper Elementary" (4th/5th grade). 6th- 8th graders then attend 3 days a week at OCA's Main Campus.  


What is the student to teacher ratio in each classroom? 

The Blended Model Program (K-5th) has a 1 to 12 teacher to child ratio in the classroom. Blended K-5th grade classrooms are capped at 24 students and 2 teachers (one lead teacher and one dedicated assistant teacher). 


Does OCA have additional Admin staff to assist parents and teachers in the BL Model Program?

Yes! OCA has a dedicated Campus Administrator, Dean of Faculty, and Dean of Students to resource both parents and teachers throughout your time at OCA. OCA also has a dedicated Blended Model Room Parent to coordinate events as well.


Do Blended Model Students get to go on school field trips?

Yes! OCA's curriculum aligns with wonderful field trips throughout the year. Though a Blended Model Student's Tuition does not include Field Trips costs, all BL Model Students and their parents are welcome to attend field trips with their class and pay the minimal fees required by the programs. 


Will my child get "Enrichment Classes?"

Yes! Enrichments vary from year to year. Your student will receive 2 Enrichments (1 each day they are at school). Past enrichments have included classes such as PE, Spanish, art, and music. They are chosen based on teacher availability. 


I can't decide on doing the Blended Model or Full Time option. Can I switch from Blended Model to Full time mid-year if I change my mind?  

May be. Families may switch from BL Model to Full Time (as long as there is a full time seat available) but NOT from Full Time to BL Model.  Any BL Model families who later move into the full time program pay the fee difference including the New Student Fee.


Do Full Time and Blended Model Students mix?

As the Blended Model Program has grown it is becoming its own independent program and is now housed at its own campus! However students in different Blended Model grade levels do mix throughout the year (ex. programs like reading buddies, field trips, etc)


I've never homeschooled before. Will I be able to do this!?!

We think you will do great! We make it easy and describe OCA's Blended Model Program as "homeschool on a platter." We provide the lesson plans, curriculum,  report cards, and even sample daily schedules for your home days. We have also helped pair up new homeschool moms/dads with more "seasoned" homeschool moms/dads! However, the parents are seen as "co-teachers" as the majority of their school days are at home. School subjects and home subjects overlap. A few simple subjects (ex. history and Bible) are taught at "home only" whereas math and language are taught primarily at school and continued at home. A detailed explanation of this list is provided at the Blended Model Parent Orientation in the summer. Our youngest students also receive a traveling "Montessori Materials Packet" that will go back and forth from school to home. These bins will have printed Montessori materials mimicking the wooden materials they use at school. Parents will also have access to parent training sessions (or videos throughout the year) to assist them! 


Do I need to open a homeschool or keep my homeschool open?

In 2019, the NC Department of Non-Public Education said it is no longer necessary to open a homeschool or keep your homeschool open if your child is enrolled at OCA. Your child now comes under the academic responsibility of Oak City Academy. 


Do you accept Blended Model families who have the NC Opportunity Scholarship?

Yes! Students all still go through the Admissions Process, but we do accept the NC Opportunity Scholarship which has the potential to pay for the entire K-5th grade Blended model tuition! The Opportunity Scholarship is accepted all the way through middle school as well.  Though the Opportunity Scholarship covers the tuition, parents are still required to pay all fees and any remaining tuition balance.   


Additional Notes about Blended Model: ​

The "Blended Model" at Oak City Academy is created specifically so that parents can remain highly involved in their children’s education. In fact, for this model to be successful, it requires a high level of involvement from the parents. This model allows for parents to spend more time with their children in home education without the stresses associated with running a school, planning curriculum, etc. Children in K-5th will attend OCA 2  days each week, in which they will get to experience our rich Montessori style of education with a blend of Classical methodology as well. At home they will work abstractly on concepts using take home packets, a traveling Montessori materials packet, and handouts/workbooks provided by the school. The Blended Model Curriculum Fee provides curriculum  through both digital curriculum access and paper copies of curriculum guides. Additional curriculum materials (or curriculum in different/preferred formats) is the responsibility of the parent.


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