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OCA'S Middle School classrooms are so beautiful because, in essence, they run themselves. OCA's MS humanities teacher once said, "I don't participate in literature discussions now because I have to, I participate because I want to!" OCA students are the ones leading the discussion. One prospective parent (who was touring) exclaimed, "Wow! That felt like a college seminar!" OCA students, however, see their literature discussions more like a book club. Students WANT to be a part of their learning community! 


Small group and project based learning continue in secondary education at OCA.  Students take the classes they need at the appropriate levels (according to their academic needs). Multiple honors classes are offered at OCA that also count for high school credit. In other parts of the curriculum, students work in diversified groups, where they can learn from their peers who have different strengths than they do.  Students engage in socratic seminars, utilize hands-on science experiments and dissection, participate in community service projects, and grow in leadership development.


Full Time students in OCA's Middle School participate in OCA's Entrepreneurship 101: Boss Club class. Boss Club students learn to make a business plan, product, and ultimately start their own business! Below you will find more information about the Boss Club Curriculum for Full Time MS Students. Hybrid MS Students may take the Boss Club class as an Elective course for an additional fee.


Middle School FAQ's


Pedagogy: What is your Approach to Education for Middle School Students? Once students enter Middle School, OCA shifts from Christian Montessori to Christian Classical (think Charlotte Mason) education. Our Classical model allows students to explore living books and engage in rich learning experiences. OCA also provides soft seating areas in classrooms and encourages outdoor learning as much as possible! A creek and a pond border OCA's property that enhance the beauty of learning. In Charlotte Mason's own words, "Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life.” OCA's atmosphere and school setting is peaceful. Character development is OCA's focus, and subjects intertwine to encourage life-long learning. 


What program options does OCA provide for Middle School Students?

  • Hybrid Program: Students attend classes 3  days a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays)

  • Full Time Program: Students attend classes 5 days a week (M-F)


What are the differences and benefits of each MS program?​

  • Hybrid Program- Hybrid students get all their lessons at school (3 days a week) and do their school work at home (2 days a week). The Hybrid program is still a 5 day school with 3 school days on campus and 2 school days at home. Thus, students in the Hybrid program must demonstrate high levels of independence as they are responsible for getting all the work done on their "home days." Hybrid student tuition covers all textbooks, access to OCA's Computer Lab, a school T-shirt, and any local field trips taken. 

  • Full Time Program- Full Time students get all their lessons and do all their work at school 5 days a week. Full Time tuition also covers all textbooks, access to OCA's Computer Lab, a school T-shirt, and any local field trips taken. In addition, Full Time tuition covers elective offerings on Wednesdays and Fridays including additional collaborative work time, study halls, and OCA's Entrepreneurship 101: Boss Club Class.   


What are the hours for Middle School? The school day generally runs from 8:15 AM-3:15 PM for all Middle School students. 


Can OCA Middle School students take honors classes at OCA? Yes, students have the option to choose honors classes for all core classes in Middle School. 


Will 8th grade students be able to receive High School Credit for select courses? Yes! The course catalog details which courses students may receive High School credit for, providing students are showing academic, social, and emotional readiness for those courses. 


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